
At UC San Diego, we have increasingly prioritized initiatives that create access and stronger pathways through strategic outreach, recruitment, and retention of historically marginalized and underserved students, faculty, and staff. Through access, we foster an inclusive community comprised of diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and identities that lead us to academic and inclusive excellence.
Diverse Leadership Leading the Way
Since our 2018 progress update, we have recruited the most diverse senior leadership at UC San Diego in the history of the university, better reflecting the unique identities, cultures, and backgrounds of the students we serve.
Cheryl Anderson, PhD, MPH, MS, Founding Dean for Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health and Human Longevity Science
James Antony, PhD, Dean for the Division of Graduate Education and Postdoctoral Affairs
Brookie Best, PharmD, MAS, Dean, Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Anne Buckley, APR, Chief Communications and Marketing Officer
Lisa Ordóñez, PhD, Dean for Rady School of Management; First Latina Dean at UC San Diego
John Carethers, MD, Vice Chancellor for Health Science
Crystal Wiley Cené, MD, Chief Administrative Officer for EDI; Chief Health Equity Office
Marisa Abrajano, PhD, Warren College Provost
Kelly Kish, PhD, Associate Chancellor
Helen Griffith, EdD, Inaugural Executive Director for the Preuss School
Ann Spira, Vice Chancellor for Advancement
Terri Winbush, JD, Chief Human Resources Officer
Angela Booker, PhD, Inaugural Provost, Eighth College
Corinne Peek-Asa, PhD, Vice Chancellor for Research
Alysson Satterlund, PhD, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
Caroline Freund, PhD, Dean, School of Global Policy and Strategy; First Female Dean of GPS
Kit Pogliano, PhD, Dean, School of Biological Sciences, First Female Dean of Biological Sciences
Tonya Jackman Hampton, EdD, Chief Human Resources Officer, UC San Diego Health
Christine Hrycyna, PhD, Dean, School of Physical Sciences
Hugo Villar, PhD, MBA, Dean, Division of Extended Studies
Creating Opportunity Through Access: Undergraduate, Graduate, and Professional Students
UC San Diego is home to several programs and initiatives aimed at increasing access for undergraduate, graduate, professional, and medical students with emphasis on the recruitment and admissions processes, career preparation workshops, and more.
NextProf Pathfinder is a collaboration between UC San Diego and the University of Michigan School of Engineering, NextProfPathfinder is a workshop intended to prepare PhD and Master’s students for successful careers in academia.
Karen Christman, PhD, Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Welfare, Professor of Bioengineering
OAR^2 utilizes a collective impact approach through an advisory board comprised of student, faculty, and staff leaders to enhance processes for recruiting and retaining historically underrepresented students at UC San Diego, including students of color and women in STEM, and to provide opportunities for mentorship and research to a community of scholars.

Angeline Yang, EdD, Director, OAR^2
Preparing Accomplished Transfers for Humanities (PATH) Program is a collaborative initiative between the School of Arts and Humanities at UC San Diego and the San Diego Community College District (SDCCD), the PATH Program supports transfer students and encourages their success on campus and after graduating through their summer academy and faculty connections programs.
Alma Palazzolo, MPA, Assistant Dean, School of Arts and Humanities
When evaluating a candidate for admission into a graduate program, admissions committees consider a variety of variables including academic, nonacademic, and contextual factors in the review process to identify students who are most likely to succeed.
April Bjornsen, Assistant Dean, Graduate Student Affairs and Admissions
The Scripps SCUBA DIVERsity Fellowship Program aims to recruit and retain outstanding undergraduate and graduate students to/within the field of scientific diving. The program is designed to remove barriers for students as they advance from learning to swim and dive, to becoming competent and confident Scientific Divers. To do so, the program provides funding for costs associated with swim lessons, swim and dive equipment, CPR/First Aid course(s), Open Water Diver certification, the Scripps Small Boating Course, and the annual Scientific Diver Fee.
Keiara Auzenne, MBA, JD, Director of Diversity Initiatives, Scripps |
Compassion and Equity In STEM
Through intentional equity-minded initiatives, we are creating opportunities for our diverse student population to thrive in STEM environments where empathy, compassion, and support are paramount.
The Center for Empathy and Social Justice in Human Health (CESJHH) addresses health injustice with empathy and compassion through research, communication, and representation of marginalized communities in the STEM and healthcare profession pipeline.
Gentry Patrick, PhD, Center Director, Professor
Leigh Eck, Center Strategist
- The YOU Belong in STEM: San Diego local launch and mini summit occurred on April 18, 2023. This event aimed to lift up and leverage the efforts, brilliance, and lived expertise of diverse STEM ecosystem stakeholders across the region, and position San Diego as a model U.S. city for the community-wide, compassion-based catalyzation of increased equity and belonging in STEM education.
- "Social Justice as Part of the Remedy for What Ails Us," UC San Diego Today
The PATHways to STEM through Enhanced Access and Mentorship (PATHS) Program is a four-year undergraduate scholarship and support program that provides students with access to mentorship, campus support, hands-on training opportunities, and more.
Becky R. Petitt, PhD, Vice Chancellor for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
Gentry Patrick, PhD, Professor, PATHS Program Creator and Faculty Director
Guadalupe Cruz, MA, PATHS Director
Daniel Cardenas, MEd, PATHS Assistant Director
Anh Mai, PATHS Program Manager
Access to Health Careers
UC San Diego is committed to creating pathways for students historically underrepresented in medicine, pharmacy, pharmaceutical sciences, and other health related fields to thrive on campus and in their future health careers.
- Program in Medicine – Transforming Indigenous Doctor Education (PRIME-TIDE) prepares medical students for careers focused on providing healthcare to Native American communities through experiential training on specific healthcare needs, the cultural context in which that care is provided, and how medical research informs healthcare decisions.
- Program for Underrepresented Medical Applicants (PUMA) aims to address the lack of diversity and inclusion within the medical field and the lack of support disadvantaged, underrepresented in medicine students may face when applying to medical school. Participants gain access to resources including mentorship opportunities, application preparation workshops, and more.
- Program for Underrepresented Minorities in Pharmacy (PUMP) aims to provide mentorship for future pharmacists who are committed to serving underrepresented communities with health disparities, e.g. Black/African American, Latinx, Native American/Alaska Native/First American, Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, Southeast Asian (Cambodian, Filipino, Hmong, Lao, Thai, Vietnamese), Refugees, and LGBTQIA.
- The Latinx Pre-Med Initiative, started through the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion’s Innovation Grant and currently sustained by the Office of the Dean for the School of Medicine, partners with the STEM HSI initiatives and the UC San Diego School of Medicine Hispanic Center of Excellence (HCOE) to address the shortage of Latinx physicians in California.
Other Programs in Health Sciences creating pathways to an education and career in healthcare include:
- Health Professions Exposure and Recruitment Program (HPREP)
- Research Methodology Training Lab (RTML)
- UniversityLink Medical Science Program (ULMSP)
- Student National Medical Association (SNMA) Mentoring Project
- Student National Pharmaceutical Association (SNPhA)
- UCSD SOM Doc-4-A-Day
- UC San Diego SSPPS Pharmacy Day
- California Native American Research Centers for Health Student Development Program (CA-NARCH SDP)
- PRIME-TIDE was launched in September 2022
- 12 Native American/Alaskan Native medical students were admitted in 2022, the highest in UC San Diego History; 4 of which enrolled in PRIME-TIDE
- 12 admitted Native American/Alaskan Native medical students in 2023
- UCSD is projected to have 20 Native American medical students and 1 Alaskan Native (Aluet) medical student by September 2023
- PUMA initiative was launched in 2019
- PUMP initiative was launched in 2020
- Latinx Pre-med Initiative had an inaugural cohort of ten Latinx premedical students in 2020, followed by two subsequent cohorts of ten students each in 2021 and 2022
In collaboration with the San Diego Nursing & Allied Health Education Consortium, San Diego County Community Colleges and the Health Sciences High and Middle College, the program offers instruction to high school students to develop their understanding of the acute care environment. Students learn about their health care profession of interest, relationship-based care, health literacy and health care disparities, health care and technology, cultural competence, and more.
Cabiria “Bea” Lizarraga, RN, Nurse Manager at UC San Diego Health
Gwendolyn McPherson, MSN, RN, Assistant Nurse Manager at UC San Diego Health
- UC San Diego Health received $2.2 million in grant funding from the California Department of Health Care Access and Information (HCAI) to develop a new student enrichment program that seeks to encourage high school students in underrepresented communities to pursue health care careers.
- UC San Diego Health is the only health care institution in the region to be awarded funds, which will be distributed over the next five years.
- In 2021, UC San Diego Health developed a similar program for community college students called the DREAM Externship, which was supported by an Innovation Grant from VC EDI.
A partnership of UC San Diego School of Medicine (School of Pediatrics, Center for Community Health), San Diego State University (SDSU), San Diego Border Area Health Education Center/Scripps Family Residency Program, nine Community Colleges, and nine high schools, the Consortium serves students from low socioeconomic backgrounds and underserved communities. It aims to develop a competitive applicant pool; recruit talented students for participation in academic enrichment and research training programs; and provide career awareness and exposure to community-based primary health care services
Ramon Hernandez, DrPH, MPH, Project Director, HCOP
- Successful best practice for other models like the CA Medicine Hub of Healthcare Opportunity serving eight community colleges in San Diego County and Imperial County.
The UC San Diego FIRST Program aims to enhance inclusive excellence at UC San Diego by diversifying faculty in the areas of Cancer, Cardiovascular Sciences, Immunology/Infectious Diseases, and Neurosciences. The FIRST program is designed to provide effective, evidence-based professional development, as well as mentorship in research and career development, guidance in academic promotion, integration into the university, and access to networks of colleagues and communities of scholars.
Principal Investigators
JoAnn Trejo, PhD, MBA, Assistant Vice Chancellor of Health Sciences Faculty Affairs |
Elena Martinez, PhD, MPH, Professor of Family Medicine and Public Health, Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health and Human Longevity Science |
Maripat Corr, MD, Professor of Medicine, School of Medicine |
Vivian Reznik, MD, MPH, Professor of Pediatrics and Public Health, School of Medicine and the Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health and Human Longevity Science |
Deborah Wingard, PhD, Professor of Public Health, Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health and Human Longevity Science |
Sonia Jain, PhD, Professor of Public Health, Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health and Human Longevity Science |
Executive Steering Committee:
Becky R. Petitt, PhD, Vice Chancellor for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion |
Robert Continetti, PhD, Senior Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs |
John Carethers, MD, Vice Chancellor for Health Sciences |
Corinne Peek-Asa, PhD, Vice Chancellor for Research |
Theresa A. Maldonado, Ph.D., P.E., Vice President for Research & Innovation
Faculty Diversity
As we continue enrolling an increasingly diverse student body, we recognize the importance of recruiting and retaining an equally diverse faculty. As a result of our ongoing commitment to fostering a welcoming and inclusive environment for all, we have welcomed highly sought-after faculty members whose innovations, pedagogy, and research have enhanced UC San Diego across the disciplines.
UC San Diego is committed to increasing diversity and inclusion in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) by promoting and celebrating the success of women in these historically male-dominated fields. Recent achievements to increase the representation of women in STEM demonstrate our progress.
Lisa Jones, PhD, Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Tara Javidi, PhD, Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Claire Meaders, PhD, Assistant Teaching Professor in UC San Diego’s Division of Biological Sciences
Christine Alvarado, PhD, Associate Dean of the Division of Undergraduate Education, Teaching Professor, Computer Science and Engineering
Lia Siegelman, PhD, Assistant Professor of Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
Kimberly A. Prather, PhD, Distinguished Professor and Chair in AtmRommie Amaroospheric Chemistry
Rommie E. Amaro, PhD, Endowed Chair, Distinguished Professor in Theoretical and Computational Chemistry
Through the University of California Office of the President’s Advancing Faculty Diversity program and the support of Chancellor Pradeep K. Khosla and Executive Vice Chancellor Elizabeth H. Simmons, we are building a more diverse faculty and inclusive climate for all by investing in three cluster hires aimed at recruiting and retaining faculty who are committed to ensuring the success of underrepresented students in all disciplines.
AFD initiatives were successful at increasing the diversity of our hiring pools, with 46% of applicants identifying themselves as Black, Latinx, or Native American.
This cluster hire aims to recruit faculty whose innovative and interdisciplinary research exist at the intersections of design and social justice with an emphasis on Indigenous, Black, and migrant futures.
Core Steering Committee:
Nadir Weibel, PhD, Associate Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, Associate Faculty Director of the Design Lab, Lead Principal Investigator
Theresa Ambo, PhD, Assistant Professor of Education Studies, Co-Director of Indigenous Futures Institute
Keolu Fox, PhD, Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Co-Director of Indigenous Futures Institute
K. Wayne Yang, PhD, Professor of Ethnic Studies, Provost of Muir College
MarDestinee Perez, MS, Director for the Center for Faculty Diversity and Inclusion
Steering Committee at Large:
Angela Booker, PhD, Associate Professor of Communications, Provost Eighth College
Fonna Forman, JD, PhD, Professor of Political Science, Founding Director, UCSD Center on Global Justice
Amy Lerner, PhD, Associate Teaching Professor of Urban Studies and Planning
Truong Nguyen, PhD, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Victoria Petrovich, PhD, Professor of Theatre and Dance
George Porter, PhD, Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, Co-Director, Center for Networked Systems
As we continue to pursue HSI designation, the Latinx Cluster Hire Initiative (LCHI) demonstrates our commitment to serving our Latinx student population by increasing our faculty who share and understand their identities. Through this initiative, we are prioritizing innovative and interdisciplinary research, culturally relevant curricula, and mentorship across campus.
Steering Committee:
Luis Alvarez, PhD, Chair of History Department, Lead Principal Investigator
Marisa Abrajano, PhD, Professor of Political Science, Provost-Warren College
John (Jody) Blanco, PhD, Associate Professor of Literature, Director of Latin American Studies (LAS
Robert Castro, MFA, Professor of Theatre and Dance, Director of Chicanx and Latinx Studies (CLS)
Juan Pablo Pardo-Guerra, PhD, Associate Professor of Sociology, Associate Director of Latin American Studies Program
Daphne Taylor-Garcia, PhD, Associate Professor of Ethnic Studies
MarDestinee Perez, MS, Director for the Center for Faculty Diversity and Inclusion
Original Principal Investigators:
Frances Contreras, PhD, Professor of Education Studies, Current Dean of UC Irvine School of Education
Luis Martin-Cabrera, PhD, Associate Professor of Latin American Studies
Faculty Recruited to Date:
- Veronica Martinez-Matsuda, Associate Professor, History, Arts and Humanities
- Ignacio Carvajal Regidor, Assistant Professor, Spanish and Comparative Literature, Literature, Arts and Humanities
- Ana Maria Alvarez, Associate Professor, Dance, Theater and Dance, Arts and Humanities
- Monika Gosin, Associate Professor, Latinx Studies, Ethnic Studies, Social Sciences
- John Arroyo, Assistant Professor, Urban Studies and Planning, Social Sciences
- Lorena Gomez Mostajo, Assistant Professor, Visual Arts, Arts and Humanities
- Andrew Estrada Phuong, Assistant Professor, Education Studies, Social Sciences
- Sara Kozameh, Assistant Professor, History, Arts and Humanities
Through this cluster hire, UC San Diego has welcomed new faculty whose research, scholarship, and pedagogy are enriching our STEM curriculum and advancing the Black Diaspora and African American Studies Major.
Steering Committee:
Thandeka Chapman, PhD, Professor of Education Studies, Director of African American Studies Minor
Makeba Jones, PhD, Associate Teaching Professor of Education, Committee Chair
Linda Awdishu, PharmD, MAS, Professor and Chair of Clinical Pharmacy
Ivan Evans, PhD, Professor of Sociology, Provost of Eleanor Roosevelt College
Other Members:
Maria Rosario (Happy) Araneta, PhD, MPH, Professor of Epidemiology, Family Medicine and Public Health, Associate Dean of Diversity and Community Partnerships
Keiara Auzenne, MBA, JD, Scripps Institute for Oceanography Director of Diversity Initiatives
Eduardo Macagno, PhD, Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology
Gentry Patrick, PhD, Professor and Chair of Neurobiology, Director, Center for Empathy and Social Justice in Human Health
MarDestinee Perez, MS, Director of the Center for Faculty Diversity and Inclusion
Original Principal Investigator:
Frances Contreras, PhD, Professor of Education Studies, Current Dean of UC Irvine School of Education
Faculty Recruited to Date:
- Hiruy Meharena, PhD, Assistant Professor, Neurobiology and Molecular Biology, Biological Sciences
- Chadwick Campbell, PhD, Assistant Professor, Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health, Health Sciences
- Mamadou Diagne, PhD, Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Jacobs School of Engineering
- Imani N.S. Munyaka, PhD, Assistant Professor, Computer Science and Engineering, Jacobs School of Engineering
- John Sous, PhD, Assistant Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Physical Sciences
- Lisa Jones, PhD, Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Physical Sciences
- Jacinda Abdul-Mutakabbir, PharmD, Assistant Professor, Clinical Pharmacy, Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Health Sciences
- Audra Meadows, MD, MPH, Associate Professor, Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Sciences, School of Medicine, Health Sciences
Paving the Way for Academic Excellence
Through our current and emerging academic excellence initiatives that emphasize the experiences of historically underrepresented students, we are working to create better access to an education, culturally relevant programming, mentorship, and other resources.
The BAEI aims to transform the presence and experience of Black students, faculty, and staff at UC San Diego through a variety of efforts including increased enrollment of Black undergraduate and graduate students; persistence and graduation rates; academic and co-curricular supports emphasizing the Black experience; improved retention for all groups; and an increased presence of Black faculty and staff across campus.
Ivan Evans, PhD, Co-chair of BAEI Advisory Committee
Makeba Jones, PhD, Co-chair of BAEI Advisory Committee
John Rawlins III, MA, Co-chair of Implementation Work Group
K. Wayne Yang, PhD, Co-chair of Implementation Work Group
Programs and Initiatives Supporting Black Excellence at UC San Diego include:
Enhancing the Black Student Experience (EBSE) Symposium
A week-long symposium designed to increase awareness of the Black student experience at UC San Diego in an effort to foster intentional and sustained action to enhance this experience and promote pro-Blackness on campus.
Current Chairs:
John Rawlins III, MA, Director, Black Resource Center
Mya Hines, EdD, Senior Academic Advisor, John Muir College
Breanna Clark, MEd, Graduate and Professional Student Association Advisor
- First held in 2021, the EBSE is now an annual VC EDI and VCSA collaborative symposium.
National Panhellenic Plaza
A partnership between VC SA and VC EDI, the first National Panhellenic Plaza in the UC system will serve as a site of place-making, community, celebration, pride, joy, and visibility for our Black student community, contributing to sense of belonging, engagement, connection, retention, and success.
Becky R. Petitt, PhD, Vice Chancellor, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
Alysson Satterlund, PhD, Vice Chancellor, Student Affairs
Alfredo Barcenas, Director of Student Governments, Auxiliaries and Services
John Hughes, Assistant Vice Chancellor, Student Affairs Resource Management
Emily Marx Trask, PhD Executive Director, Center for Student Involvement
Patty Mahaffey, EdD, Assistant Vice Chancellor, Student Life
Marina Mantos, MA, Associate Director, Sorority and Fraternity Life
Malik Sampson, Sorority and Fraternity Life Advisor and Program Manager, National Pan-Hellenic Council and Interfraternity Council
John Rawlins III, MA, Director, Black Resource Center
Fnann R Keflezighi, MA, Director, Cross Cultural Center
- Hired NPHC Program Manager at the Center for Student Involvement
Black Graduate Experience Living Learning Community
The Black Graduate Experience LLC (BGELLC) is an optional, residential community open to all. It is designed to foster graduate scholarship, excellence, and achievement through meaningful programming that emphasizes the Black experience.
Hemlata Jhaveri, PhD, Associate Vice Chancellor of Housing, Dining & Hospitality
James Crawford, MA, BGELLC Community Liaison
Marisol "Dottie" Dothard, MA, BGELLC Community Liaison
Matthew Ford, BGELLC Community Liaison
- First Black Graduate Living Learning Community at UC San Diego, was created as a result of senior administrators' regular engagement with Black Graduate and Professional Student Association and Black Student Union leadership.
Blacktronika at UC San Diego
“Blacktronika: Afrofuturism in Electronic Music” is an online music course created by Professor King Britt to honor the innovators of color whose contributions have advanced electronic music globally. Using a lens that incorporates elements of science fiction, technology, and the African diaspora, the course recognizes the musicians who shaped the genre.
King Britt, Assistant Teaching Professor
The Latinx/Chicanx Academic Excellence Initiative is designed to ensure that California’s fastest growing student population feels welcome, supported, and able to thrive at UC San Diego. This means attracting and supporting a diverse faculty, staff, and student community—making UC San Diego a place where generations rise.
Frank Silva, Associate Vice Chancellor and Chief of Staff, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
Frances Contreras, PhD, Professor of Education Studies, Current Dean of UC Irvine School of Education
Gerardo Arellano, PhD, Raza Resource Center Director, HSI Initiatives Executive Director
Maruth Figueroa, EdD, Assistant Vice Chancellor, Student Affairs, Student Retention and Success
Programs and Initiatives that Support LAEI:
HSI Summit
UC San Diego convened a virtual HSI Summit in collaboration with campus partners including academic leaders, faculty, staff, and students to advance collective impact across campus toward transforming UC San Diego into a student-centered university in service to our Latinx/Chicanx students.
Mi Universidad is a culturally focused, bilingual outreach program that provides education in both English and Spanish with key foundations including culture and identity. The program is made possible through the collective efforts of the Office for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (VC EDI), Office for Student Affairs (VC SA), Enrollment Management, Extended Studies, the Hispanic Serving-Institution Latinx/Chicanx Academic Excellence Initiative Work Group, UCTV, CREATE, EAOP, TRIO, Univision, Raza Resource Centro, Undocumented Student Services, University Communications, Chicano/Latino Studies, Latin American Studies and community partners including the Parent Institute for Quality Education, Sweetwater Unified School District, and Imperial School District.
Community Partnerships
UC San Diego partnered with the Parent Institute for Quality Education (PIQE), which helps families ensure children achieve their full potential through post-secondary education, to exchange ideas, pool resources, and work collaboratively in the name of Latinx student success. A pilot program, Conexiones Familiar, was developed to cultivate servingness by integrating cultural values into UC San Diego’s services.
In 2020, in conjunction with Entravision—the parent company of Spanish-language television network Univision—UC San Diego launched a comprehensive awareness campaign to reach San Diego’s Latinx/Chicanx communities in collaboration with University Communications. It featured faculty, staff, students, and alumni as guests on local Spanish-language television and radio stations to discuss topics including access, financial aid, academic success, and more. It also includes an admissions website in Spanish,ñol.
To expand efforts to address the unique needs of UC San Diego’s Asian American and Pacific Islander students, UC San Diego has become designated as an Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander Serving-Institution (AANAPISI).
Becky R. Petitt, PhD, Vice Chancellor, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
Windi Sasaki, MA, Associate Director, Asian Pacific Islander Middle Eastern Desi American (APIMEDA) Programs and Services
Brian Crie, MA, Programs and Operations Coordinator
Programs and Initiatives that Support AANAPISI
Sponsored by Student Affairs under the leadership Vice Chancellor Alysson Satterlund in partnership with VC EDI, the Symposium is a multi-day learning opportunity designed to increase awareness of the experiences of students of Pacific Islander, Middle Eastern, and Asian descent at UC San Diego. It fosters intentional and sustained action to enhance their experience, promote student success and well-being, and demonstrate an understanding of their diverse experiences.
APIMEDA Programs and Services hosts a summer reading series to expand knowledge on the ways in which participants may continue to serve APIMEDA students at UC San Diego.
The Native American and Indigenous Studies program offers an introduction to the histories and cultures of Native American and Indigenous communities in the United States with comparative examples from international Indigenous communities.
Andrew Jolivétte, PhD, Chair of UC San Diego’s Department of Ethnic Studies and Director of NAIS program
- New minor and doctoral certificate in Native American Studies
The Indigenous Futures Institute (IFI) is a community-driven and interdisciplinary project that aims to highlight the work of Indigenous activists, scholars, artists, and more across a variety of disciplines.
Theresa Ambo, PhD, Assistant Professor, Principal Investigator, Indigenous Futures Institute
Keolu Fox, PhD, Assistant Professor, Principal Investigator, Indigenous Futures Institute
Sarah Aarons, PhD, Assistant Professor, Principal Investigator, Indigenous Futures Institute
K. Wayne Yang, PhD, Provost, John Muir College, Principal Investigator, Indigenous Futures Institute
Native American Opportunity Plan
As of Fall 2022, the University of California waives tuition and fees for Native American students who are state residents and members of federally recognized tribes aligned with the Native American Opportunity Plan. This initiative complements our existing Chancellor's Associates Scholarship Program (CASP).
Dream the Impossible Native Youth Conference
The Dream the Impossible Native Youth Conference was started in 2007 by several Southern California Tribes in partnership with organizations such as the California Tribal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Program, to provide youth with access to college campuses and resources to achieve their educational goals.
Corrine Hensley-Dellefield, MA, Assistant Director, Intertribal Resource Center
Creating Opportunity Through Community
Creating pathways between the broader San Diego community and UC San Diego is one of the many ways we are working to foster an inclusive community for all. Whether it is opening educational opportunities to the public or providing direct services to communities, we continue to innovate in the ways we engage with our San Diego community members.
Park & Market is a venue in the heart of downtown San Diego designed to bring the campus and the larger San Diego community together to innovate, collaborate, and exchange ideas.
Mary Walshok, PhD, Retired Associate Vice Chancellor for Public Programs, Dean, Extension
Hugo Villar, PhD, MBA, Dean, Extended Studies
Ed Abeyta, PhD, Associate Dean, Community Engagement and Director, Pre-Collegiate and Career Preparations Programs
Morgan Appel, PhD, Assistant Dean for Education and Community Outreach
Recent Events
- El Festival de Frida y Diego: Lecture with Gregorio Luke – “Frida and Diego: An Artistic Marriage”
- Intersections at Park & Market Series (Samir Chatterjee Trio, Gilbert Castellanos Quintet, Chaldean to Classical Through the Lens of Luay Yousif & Fred Benedetti, Beyond the Blues with Mamie Minch and Mara Kaye, Yale Strom and Hot Pstromi)
- “Designers for Peace” at Park & Market in partnership with AIGA San Diego Tijuana
- Return of the VC EDI Speaker Series in 2023: Dr. Bettina L. Love: "We Gon’ Be Alright, But That Ain’t Alright: Abolitionist Teaching and the Pursuit of Educational Freedom"
- World Design Capital 2024 Signing Ceremony – Tijuana-San Diego Region
- Mi Universidad Launch
- Juneteenth Celebration
The Office of Diversity and Community Partnerships supports innovative programs that encourage students as early as middle school to develop academic, clinical, scholarly, and advocacy skills.
Maria Rosario (Happy) Araneta, PhD, MPH, Assistant Dean of Diversity and Community Partnerships
Emanuel (Manny) Keiler, Creator of Fade Hypertension Program, UC San Diego MD 2022
Daniel Masillon, Student, School of Medicine, Volunteer for Health Frontiers in Tijuana
Recent programs include the Fade Hypertension Program, a community service-learning opportunity to offer blood pressure screening and cardiovascular health education in Black-owned barbershops, as well as Health Frontiers in Tijuana, which provides accessible, quality healthcare in Tijuana's Zona Norte.